Popular tips

How strong is the mosasaurus bite?

How strong is the mosasaurus bite?

40,000 psi
Watch out for its bite, as it has a force of 275,000 kPa (40,000 psi). The mosasaur is disadvantaged in almost every aspect.

Is Megalodon stronger than Mosasaur?

While a similar length, the Megalodon had a much more robust body and huge jaws built for devouring whales and other large marine mammals. A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle.

What is better than a Megalodon?

Animals like the Blue Whale and Aust Colossus would defeat a Megalodon. Livyatan could beat a Megalodon, and so on.

Is there a megalodon living today?

Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago.

How big was the megalodon shark in its teeth?

The true size of a gigantic prehistoric megalodon shark that ruled the oceans millions of years ago has been revealed for the first time — and it had teeth as big as hands, and a fin as tall as a human adult.

How did the Carcharodon megalodon get its name?

Later, in 1843, Louis Agassiz named the shark Carcharodon megalodon. This name was very fitting. The word ‘Megalodon’ is derived from Ancient Greek and means ‘big tooth.’ The name was adopted by many other notable researchers, cementing the Megalodon as one of the most fearsome creatures to have ever roamed the oceans of Earth.

How old was the Megalodon before it went extinct?

How Long Ago Did the Megalodon Live? The earliest known fossils of the Megalodon suggest that the creature first came into being around 28 million years ago and existed until about 2.6 million years ago. Based on our current fossil records of the creature, it is thought that they went extinct around the end of the Pliocene era.

How did Nicolas Steno discover the megalodon tooth?

This theory was widely accepted until 1667, when a Danish naturalist named Nicolas Steno recognized them as being shark teeth because of the research he had been conducting. He illustrated the Megalodon tooth inside his book, ‘The Head of a Shark Dissected’, along with a famous drawing of a shark’s head that featured Megalodon teeth.
