Useful tips

How do I reset the user agent in Firefox?

How do I reset the user agent in Firefox?

You can reset your user agent as follows:

  1. Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. A warning page may appear.
  2. Search for useragent by typing it into the Search preference name field.
  3. Click the Reset or Delete. button on each of these preferences, if they exist:

How do I change user agent?

How to Change Your User-Agent on Chrome & Edge

  1. Right Click Anywhere in Webpage > Inspect. Alternatively, you can use CTR+Shift+I on Windows, Cmd + Opt +J on Mac.
  2. Choose More Tools > Network Conditions.
  3. Uncheck Select Automatically Checkbox.
  4. Choose One Among the Built-In User-Agents List.

How do I Change my user agent?

To change User Agent in Microsoft Edge, do the following. Open Microsoft Edge. Press the F12 key to open its Developer Tools. Go to the Emulation tab. Under Mode, click in the User agent drop-down list. Choose the desired web browser to change the user agent string.

How to change general options on Firefox?

Steps Launch Firefox. To open the Firefox browser on your computer, click on that fox icon on your desktop, Start menu, or taskbar. Click on the “Settings” button. Look for the icon with three short horizontal lines arranged on top of the other found at the top-right corner of the browser. Click on the Applications tab under Options.

How do you set a default homepage on Firefox?

Here is how you can set a homepage on Firefox app: Open Firefox app. Tap Overflow Menu > Settings > General > Home > Set a Homepage. Now, tap on “Custom” in the popup and then enter “Google URL.” Tap “OK.” That’s it. Close your Firefox app and then open it to see your homepage. To get back the default homepage in your Firefox app,…

How do I set up a Firefox browser?

On the Firefox Browser. Click on the Tools. Select Options. Select the Advanced panel. Click General tab. and Click Check Now button on bottom of the panel. Click Yes to set Firefox as your browser.