Users' questions

How do I log into JBoss admin console?

How do I log into JBoss admin console?

JBoss Application Server provides a Web interface for administering the application server. This administration interface is called the JBoss administration console. To start the console: Enter http://localhost:9990/console/App.html in your Web browser.

What is my JBoss admin console username and password?

Go to the jmx console, enter JBoss login URL, then enter admin as username and admin password.

Who developed JBoss?

Red Hat
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

Developer(s) Red Hat
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Application server, Web application framework
License GNU Lesser General Public License

What is the difference between JBoss and WildFly?

JBoss EAP is the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform that is a subscription based JavaEE application server; this is a Red Hat product; whereas Wildfly is the community product.

How to access the JBoss AS administration console?

This will bring you to the JBoss AS Administration Console Login page. Login credentials are the same as used for the JMX console. A default user/password combination, admin/admin, is provided for out-of-box access. You can change/update the usernames/passwords for the configured security domain by editing the corresponding credential files:

What is the purpose of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform?

The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (or JBoss EAP) is a subscription-based/open-source Java EE-based application server runtime platform used for building, deploying, and hosting highly-transactional Java applications and services.

What’s the default username and password for JBoss?

A default user/password combination, admin/admin, is provided for out-of-box access. You can change/update the usernames/passwords for the configured security domain by editing the corresponding credential files:

How are JMX and JBossWS consoles deployed by default?

The Console, as well as the JMX and JBossWS consoles, are deployed “on-demand” by default. This means that the consoles are deployed when the user requests access. This deferred deployment strategy minimizes the overall server boot time. This feature can be disabled, however, by passing the following property to the server start command: