
What is TRSL payroll?

What is TRSL payroll?

TRSL’s defined benefit plan is funded through member contributions, employer contributions, and investment earnings of the retirement system. Members contribute a percentage of salary and employers contribute a percentage of payroll toward funding retirement benefits.

How long does it take to get TRSL refund?

Once TRSL receives all refund paperwork, it is typically processed within two weeks. Refunds are issued twice a month on the 5th and the 20th. Refunds of member contributions are subject to applicable IRS rules and regulations. For more information, see the Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments.

What does TRSL stand for?


Acronym Definition
TRSL Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana
TRSL Test Requirements Specification Language
TRSL Toronto Recreational Sports League (Canada)
TRSL Teachers’ Retirement System of Los Angeles

Is TRSL a pension?

Public pension plans like TRSL usually require employees who meet certain criteria to be members of the plan in order to provide the best benefit structure possible at the lowest cost to members. In contrast, TRSL is a defined benefit (DB) plan.

How can I view my TRSL retirement account?

You’ll have secure, online access to your TRSL retirement account. Active members can check their service credit and contributions, view their beneficiaries, get a benefit estimate, and apply for retirement. Retirees can view their benefit history, view and print their 1099-R forms, and update their federal tax withholding information.

How does direct deposit work for TRSL retirees?

Retirees receiving estimated benefits will receive their first benefit check through the mail. Subsequent benefits will be made by direct deposit. Retirees can view their direct deposit payment stubs online with Member Access, which gives you secure, online access to your retirement account information. When the net benefit amount changes.

What are the hours of the TRSL office?

TRSL is here to help! Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Click here to view office and holiday hours. Please email us if you have any questions or comments about your retirement or this website.

How to contact TRSL retirement system of Louisiana?

Please email us if you have any questions or comments about your retirement or this website. We will respond to your inquiry within two business days. To call a staff member directly, dial the main number or toll-free number above, and use the extension below. To email any of the staff listed below, simply click the appropriate name.