
What does an airport master plan include?

What does an airport master plan include?

An airport master plan represents the airport’s blueprint for long-term development. To provide a graphic representation of existing airport features, future airport development and anticipated land use.

How long is an airport master plan?

20 to 30 yrs
The general goals and objectives addressed by an airport master plan include the following: To provide a framework for long-range planning (20 to 30 yrs)

What are the objectives of airport master plan?

The primary objectives of the airport master plan are to develop an attainable phased development plan concept that will satisfy the needs of the airport in a safe, efficient, economical and environmentally sound manner.

What is meant by airport planning horizon for an airport master plan?

Planning of Airport Operations, is defined by the length of time into the future management considers its planning. This length of time into the future is called planning horizon.

Which is the guidebook for airport master planning?

 Guidance to Local Community Planners Regarding Integration of Appropriate Master Plan Sections into the Local Government Comprehensive Plan (LGCP) ……. II-19 7.

What do you need to know about airport planning?

The basis of airport planning at the local or airport level is that of the airport master plan. At its core, an airport master plan is a comprehensive analysis of an airport that typically describes an airport’s short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet its future aviation demand requirements.

When did the airport master plan come out?

Airport Master Plans , dated June 1985. Chapter 10 and Appendix F of this document cancel Chapter 1, Section 5, Airport Layout Plan ; Appendix 6, Section 2, Typical Airport Layout Plan ; and Appendix 7, Airport Layout Plan Components and Preparation

How to cancel ac 150 / 5070-6b, airport master plans?

The scope of each master plan must be tailored to the individual airport under evaluation. 2. CANCELLATION. This publication cancels Advisory Circular 150/5070-6A, Airport Master Plans , dated June 1985. Chapter 10 and Appendix F of this document cancel Chapter 1, Section 5,