
What is Atticoantral?

What is Atticoantral?

Unsafe ear disease, sometimes called atticoantral disease, is typified by a marginal perforation of the posterosuperior pars tensa or pars flaccida. Cholesteatoma is frequently present in CSOM with posterosuperior perforations.

Why is Atticoantral unsafe?

In atticoantral type of CSOM, it involves posterosuperior part of the middle ear cleft (attic, antrum, posterior tympanum and mastoid) and it is associated with cholesteatoma, which because of its bone eroding property causes risk of serious complications. For this reason it is called as unsafe type of CSOM.

What does Tubotympanic mean?

[ tōō′bō-tĭm-păn′ĭk ] adj. Of or relating to the eustachia tube and the tympanic cavity of the ear.

What does cholesteatoma mean?

A cholesteatoma is an abnormal collection of skin cells deep inside your ear. They’re rare but, if left untreated, they can damage the delicate structures inside your ear that are essential for hearing and balance. A cholesteatoma can also lead to: an ear infection – causing discharge from the ear.

Which is safe, atticoantral or tubotympanic perforation?

If this is a tubotympanic perforation (in the centre of the tympanic membrane), it is usually ‘safe’, whilst atticoantral perforation (at the top of the tympanic membrane) is often ‘unsafe’. Safe or unsafe depends on the presence of cholesteatoma:

What kind of discharge is Attico antral disease?

ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION COM Mucosal Active (CSOM) Inactive (permanent perforation) Healed (adhesive OM) Squamosal Retraction pockets (PT/PF/atelectatic ear Active ( C+ discharge) 6.

What happens if you have a gastrointestinal perforation?

Gastrointestinal perforation can also lead to abdominal abscesses or permanent bowel damage. It may even cause part of the bowel to die. Sometimes a person’s wounds might fail to heal following surgery, or they may develop an infection.

What are the different names for intestinal perforation?

Other names for the condition include: 1 ruptured bowel 2 intestinal perforation 3 perforation of the intestines