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Why was the Oosterschelde dam built in the Netherlands?

Why was the Oosterschelde dam built in the Netherlands?

After the North Sea flood of 1953, it was decided to close off the Oosterschelde by means of a dam and barrier. The Oosterscheldekering (Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier), between Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland, is the largest of 13 ambitious Delta Works designed to protect a large part of the Netherlands from flooding.

Where is the plaque on the Oosterscheldekering located?

At the artificial island Neeltje-Jans, at one end of the barrier, a plaque is installed with the words: ” Hier gaan over het tij, de maan, de wind en wij ” (“Here the tide is ruled by the moon, the wind and us (the Dutch)”). The Oosterscheldekering was the most difficult to build and most expensive part of the Delta works.

Why was the Oosterscheldekering storm surge barrier built?

This part of the Delta Works was built to protect the Zeeland region from the sea after the North Sea Flood in 1953. The Oosterscheldekering storm surge barrier is a unique and internationally acclaimed flood protection project. The original plans called for a closed dam.

How many sections of the Oosterscheldedam are there?

Topographical map of the Oosterscheldedam. Alternatingly it consists of five sections: three movable flood barriers and two artificial islands.

Why is the Oosterschelde important to the world?

The OOSTERSCHELDE is recognized as a monument of great historical and cultural value. The ship is self-sufficient and financially independent. She sails all over the world and can be used for presentation and promotional activities. Up to 120 people can step on board for a day sail or a reception.

How many people can step on board the Oosterschelde?

Up to 120 people can step on board for a day sail or a reception. In addition to this, the OOSTERSCHELDE makes adventurous voyages all over the world, anyone who wants to join us is welcome.

What is the history of the Oosterschelde ship?

Biography. The ‘Oosterschelde’ is one of the very few truly historical ships left in the world. She was built in the Netherlands in 1917 at the order of the Rotterdam shipping company HAAS and is the last remaining representative of the large fleet of schooners that sailed under the Dutch flag at the beginning of the 20th century. Her name is…