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What stance is used for the shorter iron shots?

What stance is used for the shorter iron shots?

With shorter irons and clubs, your weight should slightly favor the target-side foot, which is usually the left foot for right-handers. Middle iron shots should be divided evenly on both feet.

What are the short irons in golf?

The 8 and 9 irons are commonly called the “short irons”. They have the highest-mass clubheads and the shortest shafts of the numbered irons, and are used for shots requiring high loft or moderate to short distance (typically between 130 and 150 yards with a full swing).

Why do I hit my irons so short?

Practice your alignment, ball position, posture and balance with the help of a professional instructor. Poor fundamentals can cause short shots. Failing to complete your follow through or not properly shifting your weight during the swing also can cause iron shots to fall short.

Why can’t I hit my short irons straight?

The main reason why a golfer can’t hit their irons consistently is due to incorrect stance, poor contact with the ball, or using an iron that is too long or short for their height.

Why am I hitting my irons short?

Where should your weight be when hitting irons?

With an iron, your stance should be narrower and your weight should be 50% on each side. Throughout the swing, it is mostly recommended that you start with your weight on the front foot and keep it there, or even shift more weight forward as you start the swing.

Should I use hybrids or long irons?

Interestingly, from over 200 yards a hybrid is almost twice as effective compared to a long iron. It is still more effective between 180-200 yards, but that gap closes within 180 yards. This proves that most golfers should not be carrying irons which they can hit over 180 yards – instead, swap them for a hybrid.

What’s the best way to set up a golf iron?

A forgotten part of the golf iron set up is the position of the arms. In particular, the position of the right elbow pit (right-hander) is crucial to getting a proper golf swing takeaway leading to a solid, consistent golf swing. Where most golfers go wrong is they have the right elbow pit facing towards the target at set up.

How do you open up on short irons?

Whereas I address the longer clubs in a square stance – my feet, knees, hips, and shoulders aligned parallel to a line extending from my ball to my target – on the short irons, I open things up a bit.

How to set up stance for iron shots?

Watch Annabel Rolley show you the proper points to hit during your swing for a more powerful and controlled move. Many errant iron shots are caused by an improper stance. Watch Annabel Rolley show you the proper points to hit during your swing for a more powerful and controlled move.

Where does the golf ball go when using a short club?

The ball will be located away from your body in such a way as to allow the sole of the clubhead to lie flat on the ground. As such, the ball will be closer to you when using a short club and will move progressively further as you use longer clubs.