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What products contain PFAS chemicals?

What products contain PFAS chemicals?

Some products that may contain PFAS include:

  • Some grease-resistant paper, fast food containers/wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes, and candy wrappers.
  • Nonstick cookware.
  • Stain resistant coatings used on carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics.
  • Water resistant clothing.
  • Cleaning products.

What are toxic PFAS chemicals?

Early PFAS chemicals, known as PFOS and PFOA, are linked to cancer, high cholesterol, birth defects, suppression of vaccines, and other serious health effects. While these two chemicals are being phased out, they remain in water supplies, soil, food, and air.

How do I keep PFAS out of my body?

The health department’s recommendations for reducing exposure levels include:

  1. Using certified water filtration systems.
  2. Obtaining drinking water from another source.
  3. And, eliminating use of products that may contain PFAS, such as non-stick cookware and stain-resistant products.

How do you avoid PFOA and PFOS?

What are the top tips to avoid exposure to PFASs?

  1. Do not use non-stick cookware made from per- and poly-fluorinated substances.
  2. Avoid food contact paper treated with grease-resistant coatings, like paper wrapping and coated cardboard boxes used at fast food restaurants.
  3. Avoid “anti-aging” cosmetics containing PTFE.

Is it possible to eliminate PFAS from food?

The CDC states that since “PFAS are at low levels in some foods and in the environment (air, water, soil, etc.) completely eliminating exposure is unlikely.” But this doesn’t mean you can’t take action to significantly reduce your risk for exposure.

How to avoid the chemicals in your food?

While PFAS are in food containers, Teflon, and even microwave popcorn, there are simple ways to avoid these chemicals. Experts advise eating at home more, avoiding nonstick cookware, and using water filters to avoid PFAS in drinking water.

Are there any flosses that don’t contain PFAS?

Katie Boronow, staff scientist at Silent Spring, emphasized, “The good news is, based on our findings, consumers can choose flosses that don’t contain PFAS.” PFAS are chemical compounds associated with cancer and other health risks.

Why are short chain PFAS bad for the environment?

A recent study, published in the Chemical Engineering Journal, says short-chain PFAS compounds are “more widely detected, more persistent and mobile in aquatic systems, and thus may pose more risks on the human and ecosystem health” than the original compounds.