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What is the minimum setback requirements?

What is the minimum setback requirements?

The minimum setback distance for a residential building depends on the height of the structure….All you need to know about ‘setback’ in buildings.

Height of building Setbacks (front, side and rear) in mtrs
Above 9.5 m and up to 12 m 4.5
Above 12 m up to 15 m 5.0
Above 15 m up to 18 m 6.0
Above 18 m up to 21 m 7.0

What is the setback line for a property?

The term “setback” refers to the distance (measured in feet) a house or structure must be from the front, side and rear property lines. Setbacks allow for access to underground utilities and distance between properties.

What is the setback distance?

In land use, a setback is the minimum distance which a building or other structure must be set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection. In some cases, building ahead of a setback line may be permitted through special approval.

What is a required setback?

Required setbacks describe areas on lots where no buildings, structures, or additions to them may be located, and which thereby become yard areas. 140 of this title, the required setback shall be the setback line shown on the subdivision or parcel map or development plan.

What is the setback for buildings?

In land use, a setback is the minimum distance which a building or other structure must be set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.

Can I use plywood for a wheelchair ramp?

Can I use plywood for a wheelchair ramp? For an indoor ramp, plywood might work, but when building a wheelchair ramp outdoors, use pressure-treated lumber.

What is setback distance?

Setback distance m or the clearance distance is the distance required from the centerline of a horizontal curve to an obstruction on the inner side of the curve to provide adequate sight distance at a horizontal curve.

Can a wheelchair ramp be allowed in a front setback?

Last month, your community’s Zoning Board of Appeals considered an application for a variance to allow a wheelchair ramp to extend into a front setback area. The ramp was necessary for the applicant to enter their home, which had a door threshold several feet above grade, requiring a long ramp with a turn to maintain the necessary slope.

How big should a setback be on a highway?

setback shall be one hundred feet from the center of the highway on the east side and one hundred and ten feet from the center of the highway on the west side. Once the required right-of-way for planned improvements has been acquired through dedication, setbacks shall be consistent with the setback requirements listed above.

How tall do side yard setbacks have to be?

1For attached single family units, the minimum side yard setback on the external wall is ten feet to living area. RM MULTI FAMILY BUILDING ZONES 19.17.060 Height, Area, Setback and Bulk Requirements. A. The following table provides regulations for height, area, setback and bulk requirements: Zone Min. Lot Size (sq. ft) Lot Coverage

Where to find setbacks in Ada County Code?

For properties in a Residential Base District (RUT, RSW, R1-R20), setbacks can be found in Section 8-2B of the Ada County Code. For properties located inside of a subdivision, there may be recorded easements that are greater than the minimum setback.