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What is the bottom bar on iOS called?

What is the bottom bar on iOS called?

The iPhone Dock (some people refer to it as the menu bar or the Home screen bottom bar) provides a means to access your most frequently used apps from any of your Home screens.

How do I get the bottom bar back on my iPhone?

If all else fails – you can reset the home screen layout. Settings>General>Resets>Reset home screen layout. Many thanks. Icons on the bottom bar can be moved to other locations.

Where do I find the tab bar on my iPhone?

Tab Bars. A tab bar appears at the bottom of an app screen and lets people quickly switch among different sections of an app. Tab bars are translucent, may have a background tint, maintain the same height in all screen orientations, and are hidden when a keyboard is displayed. A tab bar may contain any number of tabs,

Is there a way to hide the title bar in iOS 13?

In iOS 13 and later, a large title navigation bar doesn’t include a background material or shadow by default. Also, a large title transitions to a standard title as people begin scrolling the content. For developer guidance, see prefersLargeTitles. Consider hiding the border of a large-title navigation bar.

What are the tab bar glyphs in iOS 13?

Make sure tab bar glyphs are visually consistent and balanced. In iOS 13 and later, you can use SF Symbols to represent tab bar items. In all versions of iOS, system APIs give you a set of specific glyphs designed for common use cases (see System Icons > Tab Bar Icons ). You can also design your own glyphs; for guidance, see Glyphs.

How to hide the bottom border of a navigation bar?

For developer guidance, see prefersLargeTitles. Consider hiding the border of a large-title navigation bar. In iOS 13 and later, you can hide the bottom border of a navigation bar by removing the bar’s shadow (the border automatically reappears when people scroll the content area).