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What is the best class to pick in Kotor?

What is the best class to pick in Kotor?

The best class in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is the Scout class. Playing as the Scout class provides you with an efficient way to place all of your skills, and being able to diversify your skills in a cheap and efficient way means long-term success in all facets of the game.

Who can you romance in Kotor?

The original release gave Light Side characters a handful of romance options – like Carth Onasi, Bastilla Shan, and Juhani. On the other hand, Dark Side male characters only have a shot with Bastilla, while Dark Side female characters end the game with absolutely no love interests.

What kind of skills do Scouts have in Star Wars?

Scouts – Have average feat and skill progress and vitality per level falls within the middle. They start with medium armor proficiency and the feats: rapid shot, flurry, and implant

What do you have to do to make your character in Kotor?

The very first thing you’ll have to do in KOTOR is create your character. Through the course of the game, you will need to make two crucial choices. The first is choosing which character class you will be. The second is choosing which Jedi class you’ll become later in the game (detailed in The Force section).

Which is the best class in Knights of the Old Republic?

Kyler J. Falk via “Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic” The best class in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is the Scout class. Playing as the Scout class provides you with an efficient way to place all of your skills, and being able to diversify your skills in a cheap and efficient way means long-term success in all facets of the game.

What kind of combat does Kotor do in Star Wars?

The choice for those who want to battle their way through every situation. In KOTOR, there are often multiple ways to deal with situations. One of them is almost always through combat. This is the most mindless of ways, but also can be a lot of fun. The Soldier is proficient in both hand-to-hand and ranged combat.