What is the argument from hallucination?
What is the argument from hallucination?
The argument from hallucination runs as follows: In hallucinatory experiences, we are not directly presented with ordinary objects. The same account of experience must apply to veridical experiences as applies to hallucinatory experiences.
What is the disjunctive theory of perception?
The disjunctive theory of perception claims that we should under- stand statements about how things appear to a perceiver to be equivalent to statements of a disjunction that either one is perceiving such and such or one is suffering an illusion (or hallucination); and that such statements are not to be viewed as …
What is the causal theory of perception?
The Causal Theory says that “a perceptual verb is used to say that a person had, is having or will have a sensory experience which was or will be caused by whatever it is an experience of” (Hyman, p. 277).
How is Disjunctivism a theory of visual experience?
Disjunctivism, as a theory of visual experience, claims that the mental states involved in a “good case” experience of veridical perception and a “bad case” experience of hallucination differ. They differ even in those cases in which the two experiences are indistinguishable for their subject.
How are disjunctivist views different from common kind views?
There are some significant differences between some of the views that fall under the disjunctivist label. Disjunctivists are united in their rejection of a common kind claim, and they generally adopt this stance because they hold views about the nature of veridical perception that they take to be inconsistent with it.
Who is the founder of the disjunctive theory of perception?
The disjunctive approach to perceptual experience was later developed by Paul Snowdon (1980–81), John McDowell (1982), and M.G.F. Martin (2002), among others. 2. Varieties of Disjunctivism There are some significant differences between some of the views that fall under the disjunctivist label.
Why does the disjunctivist reject the hallucination theory?
So the disjunctivist rejects the claim that the differences between a case of veridical perception and a case of hallucination can simply be due to differences in the extra-mental states of affairs that obtain in those situations.