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What is phylum Actinopoda?

What is phylum Actinopoda?


Class Actinopoda is under the subphylum Sarcodina and phylum Sarcomastigophora that consists of planktic marine organisms. However, some members of this group can be found in freshwater.

What are the distinct characteristics of Heliozoa?

Heliozoans are spherical and predominantly freshwater and are found either floating or stalked. They are frequently enveloped by a shell (or test) composed of silica or organic material secreted by the organism in the form of scales or pieces in a gelatinous covering.

How do Actinopoda reproduce?

Heliozoans reproduce asexually by binary fission or by budding, but several genera have flagellated forms that may possibly be sex gametes. A unique feature of the superclass Actinopoda is the presence of specialized pseudopodia, called axopodia, that extend outward in a rayed pattern.

What do Heliozoans do?

The pseudopodia of Actinophrys species and other heliozoans are generally used to capture prey. However, the cytoplasmic extensions can also be utilized to some extent for locomotion of the organisms. Heliozoans contain several large vacuoles and feed by engulfing their prey through a process known as phagocytosis.

What are the characteristics of the class actinopoda?

In addition to the shell/fine skeleton, members of the class are also characterized by anastomosing pseudopodia (stiffened pseudopodia). The class is further divided into several subclasses that include heliozoa, acantharia, and radiolaria.

How are Actinopods different from other protozoans?

Like members of the class Foraminifera, the majority of actinopods are shelled protozoans which separates/distinguish them from other naked members of the phylum. While some of the species are colonial (form agglomerations), the majority of Actinopods are solitary and thus occur as single cells that float freely in their habitat.

What are the characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda?

General Characteristic Features of Phylum Arthropoda They are triploblastic organisms with the bilaterally symmetrical body. They are found in aquatic, terrestrial and aerial environments. They have a paired jointed leg for locomotion with the segmented body (head, thorax, and abdomen.

What makes up the axoneme of an actinopod?

These fine projections are stiffened by a bundle of microtubules running down the axis of the structure called an axoneme. Each axoneme has an often quite elaborate arrangement of microtubules characteristic of that actinopod group, and the microtubules are often cross linked.