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What is P in linear discriminant analysis?

What is P in linear discriminant analysis?

p is the dimension and Σk is the covariance matrix. This involves the square root of the determinant of this matrix. In this case, we are doing matrix multiplication. The vector x and the mean vector μk are both column vectors. For Linear discriminant analysis (LDA): Σk=Σ Σ k = Σ , ∀k.

What is stepwise discriminant analysis?

In stepwise discriminant function analysis, a model of discrimination is built step-by-step. Specifically, at each step all variables are reviewed and evaluated to determine which one will contribute most to the discrimination between groups.

How do you interpret discriminant results?

A further way of interpreting discriminant analysis results is to describe each group in terms of its profile, using the group means of the predictor variables. These group means are called centroids. Cases with scores near to a centroid are predicted as belonging to that group.

How to do stepwise discriminant function analysis in SPSS?

Your data file is DFA-STEP.sav, which is available on Karl’s SPSS-Data page — download it and then bring it into SPSS. To do the DFA, click Analyze, Classify, and then put Group into the Grouping Variable box, defining its range from 1 to 3.

Which is the dependent variable in SPSS stepwise regression?

Overall satisfaction is our dependent variable (or criterion) and the quality aspects are our independent variables (or predictors). These data -downloadable from magazine_reg.sav – have already been inspected and prepared in Stepwise Regression in SPSS – Data Preparation .

Which is the best stepwise method for SPSS?

/METHOD=stepwise sat1 sat2 sat3 sat4 sat5 sat6 sat7 sat8 sat9. This table illustrates the stepwise method: SPSS starts with zero predictors and then adds the strongest predictor, sat1, to the model if its b-coefficient in statistically significant (p < 0.05, see last column).

Who is the author of stepwise discriminant function analysis?

Title Stepwise Discriminant Function Analysis Author Karl L. Wuensch Last modified by Karl L. Wuensch Created Date 9/23/1995 10:51:00 PM Other titles Stepwise Discriminant Function Analysis