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What is another word for ideal candidate?

What is another word for ideal candidate?

What is another word for good candidate?

well-qualified candidate well-qualified applicant
experienced candidate strong candidate

What is the synonym of candidate?


  • applicant,
  • applier,
  • aspirant,
  • campaigner,
  • contender,
  • expectant,
  • hopeful,
  • prospect,

What is a pool of candidates?

Term used to describe the complete number of applicants who are applying for a particular job position by sending in a resume or completing an application. Due to online job postings applicant pools have been growing which makes it easier for potential employees to both find jobs and apply to them.

What is another word for pooling?

What is another word for pooling?

combining merging
fusing blending
uniting amalgamating
integrating joining
coalescing conglomerating

What is the definition of pool of candidates?

• Pool of candidates available for appointment to the federal judiciary. Piloted the implementation of pre-qualified pools of candidates within the competency -based resourcing system. The development of a qualified pool of candidates ready to fill key positions or areas. It has widened the pool of candidates for appointment as Principal Officials.

Which is the best synonym for the word candidate?

Synonyms for candidates. noun person desiring political office, job. applicant. aspirant. bidder. competitor. contender. contestant.

Which is the best synonym for the word pool?

Synonyms of pool (Entry 2 of 3) 1 a body of persons at work or available for work. a large pool of applicants for the summer internship. Synonyms for pool. force, help, labor force, manpower, personnel,

How big was the initial pool of candidates?

Initial pool of candidates was around 170 people. • Pool of candidates available for appointment to the federal judiciary. Piloted the implementation of pre-qualified pools of candidates within the competency -based resourcing system. The development of a qualified pool of candidates ready to fill key positions or areas.