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What is a water activity meter used for?

What is a water activity meter used for?

These water activity meters are used around the world in many industries from food and pharmaceuticals, to oil and chemicals. The water activity instruments can be used in water activity measurement for process and quality control, on the production line, or for laboratory analysis and product development.

What is used to measure water activity?

There are three basic water activity measurement systems. These are Resistive Electrolytic Hygrometers (REH), Capacitance Hygrometers, and Dew Point Hygrometers (sometimes called chilled mirror).

How do you test water activity?

Water activity testing is measured using meters that employ the dew-point chilled mirror method or the capacitance method for materials with volatile compounds. These are two of the most common methods for measuring water activity.

What device is used to measure water activity in foods?

In the first method, food of known moisture content is allowed to come to equilibrium with a small headspace in a tight enclosure and partial pressure of water activity is measured manometrically, or relative humidity is measured using a hyqrometer.

Why do you need an Aqualab 3 water meter?

Water activity measurements help. When it comes to water activity measurement, speed is everything. The AQUALAB 3 lets you know within one minute whether the batch will pass or fail. Quickly test as many samples as you need to establish a robust testing protocol and accurately predict in-package water activity.

How long does it take to test Aqualab 3?

When it comes to water activity measurement, speed is everything. The AQUALAB 3 lets you know within one minute whether the batch will pass or fail. Quickly test as many samples as you need to establish a robust testing protocol and accurately predict in-package water activity.

What makes the Aqualab 4te water activity sensor so accurate?

Unlike other water activity sensors, the dew point sensor actually measures water activity (Aw), not some secondary parameter merely correlated with water activity (Aw). This makes the 4TE extremely accurate, so you can have complete confidence in your sample readings.

Which is the most accurate water activity meter?

Measure water activity (a w) in 5 minutes or less (average read time: 2.5 minutes) with ±0.003 a w accuracy. AQUALAB instruments are the fastest, most precise water activity meters available.