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What happens when carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen?

What happens when carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen?

Carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen under certain condition to form methanol (CH3​OH).

What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen called?

Producer gas
Producer gas, mixture of flammable gases (principally carbon monoxide and hydrogen) and nonflammable gases (mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide) made by the partial combustion of carbonaceous substances, usually coal, in an atmosphere of air and steam.

What happens when carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen at 340 atm?

the following reaction: carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen gas at 340 atm to form methyl alcohol.

What is formula of carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide/Formula

What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas called?

Because made by spraying water on hot Coke in 19th c gas light business, continued as ingredient in town gas until intro of natural gas in 1960s. 50/50 CO and H2 was so deadly that it had to be diluted with coal gas down to about 25-35%CO,known generically as utility gas or manufactured gas. There was an error loading more items.

Where can I get hydrogen and carbon monoxide?

Synthesis gas (syngas) is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide and can be obtained from natural gas, coal, petroleum, biomass and even organic waste [1]. Syngas can also yield a wide range of chemicals.

Is it dangerous to mix carbon monoxide with air?

Both are flammable over a wide range of vapor/air mixtures. The vapors will be lighter than air. The mixture is potentially toxic especially if the mixture is high in carbon monoxide. Under prolonged exposure to fire or intense heat the container may violently rupture and rocket. Hazards What is this information?

Which is more flammable carbon monoxide or hydrogen?

Both carbon monoxide and hydrogen are a colorless, odorless gas. Both are flammable over a wide range of vapor/air mixtures. The vapors will be lighter than air.