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What happens if you choose the shield in Kingdom Hearts?

What happens if you choose the shield in Kingdom Hearts?

Choosing the sword improves his attack, shield improves his defense and staff, obviously, improves his magic abilities. The weapons also had other, more major outcomes, like determining the maximum inventory slots Sora could have by the end of the game.

Does it matter what weapon you choose in Kingdom Hearts?

Overall your choice here won’t affect much other than losing a point in a base stat that you cannot regain and the order in which you learn your combat abilities, so no matter what you pick you will get the same abilities, just at different times.

What should I pick at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts?

For many Kingdom Hearts veterans, particularly those who like to play on higher difficulties, the Shield is the best choice to make when starting a new playthrough.

What is the best weapon to choose in Kingdom Hearts 1?

Shield is actually the best choice for a fast easy run through the game without optionals etc. Shield gets more defense early on and some great defensive abilities in the main game. You also get the first tech up the earliest with shield.

Which is better shield or sword in Kingdom Hearts?

For many Kingdom Hearts veterans, particularly those who like to play on higher difficulties, the Shield is the best choice to make when starting a new playthrough. It not only gives Sora a Defense stat of 4, the highest possible at the beginning of the game, but it also grants him the highest number of item slots by the end.

Which is the best weapon in Kingdom Hearts?

Which Starting Weapon is the Best in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix? The best weapon to choose at the start of Kingdom Hearts is the Dream Shield. It is by no means the flashiest pick between the sword…

How do you get a shield in Kingdom Hearts?

A shield to protect loved ones. Raises max MP by 2. Speak to Merlin after acquiring all seven spell Arts . Gigāsufisuto?) A small, powerful shield made for attack rather than defense. Buy for 1000 munny.

What happens when you discard the staff in Kingdom Hearts?

Now that Kingdom Hearts players have taken the power of the Guardian, players should choose to discard the Staff. With the Shield selected, three constants have already been set as Defense, MP, and Max Item slots will not change. That leaves the only stats to see alterations being Strength and AP depending on the second decision.