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What are the literature time periods?

What are the literature time periods?


  • 1 Old English literature (c. 450–1066)
  • 2 Middle English literature (1066–1500) 2.1 Medieval theatre.
  • 3 English Renaissance (1500–1660) 3.1 Elizabethan period (1558–1603)
  • 4 Restoration Age (1660–1700) 4.1 Poetry.
  • 5 18th century.
  • 6 Romanticism (1798–1837)
  • 7 Victorian literature (1837–1901)
  • 8 20th century.

What are the 8 literary periods?

World Literature Periods

  • ROMANTIC PERIOD (c. 1790-1830)
  • VICTORIAN PERIOD And The 19th Century (c. 1832-1901)
  • MODERN PERIOD (c. 1914-1945)
  • POSTMODERN PERIOD (c. 1945 onward)

What are the forms of Spanish literature?

Spanish literature, the body of literary works produced in Spain. Such works fall into three major language divisions: Castilian, Catalan, and Galician. This article provides a brief historical account of each of these three literatures and examines the emergence of major genres.

What was the time frame of Spanish literature?

Time frames of major literary periods you should know. This was the pre-Renaissance of Spanish literature. Spain was greatly influenced by Italy, hence religious undertones in many works. Most works were passed down through oral story-telling.

What was the Golden Age of Spanish literature?

Spanish Literature – Baroque period. The Spanish Baroque coincides with the Golden Age of Spanish literature, called that way because of the great number of excellent literary productions that appeared in the period. Miguel de Cervantes is, without doubt, the ultimate Baroque author.

What kind of literature was popular in Spain?

Pastoral or didactic novels were also quite popular, and the picaresque genre became popular with “Lazarillo de Tormes” The Spanish Baroque coincides with the Golden Age of Spanish literature, called that way because of the great number of excellent literary productions that appeared in the period.

What was the Enlightenment period in Spanish literature?

Spanish Literature – Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment period in Spanish literature can be divided in three different periods: the post-Baroque period, the Neo-Classical period and the pre-Romanticism period. The Enlightenment wants a break with the old concept of authority, and thinks reason is more important than feeling or emotions.