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What are the colony morphology traits of Fusarium species?

What are the colony morphology traits of Fusarium species?

Colonies are usually fast growing, pale or bright-coloured (depending on the species) with or without a cottony aerial mycelium. The colour of the thallus varies from whitish to yellow, pink, red or purple shades. Species of Fusarium typically produce both macro- and microconidia from slender phialides.

How do you identify Fusarium?

The morphological characteristics; the colony color and growth rate; the shape and size of macroconidia, microconidia, and chlamydospores; and the formation of conidiogenous cells have been the primary means for identifying Fusarium spp.

What is Fusarium bacteria?

The genus Fusarium, a well-known soil-borne plant pathogen, consists of a large number of plant-associated fungal species that have serious damaging effects on infected plants, such as eliciting chlorosis, necrosis, premature leaf drop, browning of the vascular system, and wilting, all of which subsequently cause …

Is Fusarium host specific?

Fusarium oxysporum is a large species complex of both plant and human pathogens that attack a diverse array of species in a host-specific manner. Comparative genomic studies have revealed that the host-specific pathogenicity of the F.

What is the morphology of a Fusarium colony?

Morphology of Fusarium. Fusarium microconidia and conidiophores in LPCB as shown above picture. Colonies are usually fast growing, pale or bright-coloured (depending on the species) with or without a cottony aerial mycelium. The colour of the thallus varies from whitish to yellow, pink, red or purple shades.

Which is the only slow growing species of Fusarium?

They have an outer wall which can be smooth or rough. Fusarium spp. grow rapidly on Sabouraud dextrose agar at 25°C and produce woolly to cottony, flat, spreading colonies. The only slow-growing species is F. dimerum. From the front, the color of the colony may be white, cream, tan, salmon, cinnamon, yellow, red, violet, pink, or purple.

How to identify Fusarium species in slide culture?

Sporulation may need to be induced in some isolates and a good slide culture is essential. The important characters used in the identification of Fusarium species are as follows. Colony growth diameters on potato dextrose agar and/or potato sucrose agar after incubation in the dark for four days at 25C.

What kind of mycelium does a Fusarium have?

Colonies are usually fast growing, pale or bright-coloured (depending on the species) with or without a cottony aerial mycelium. The colour of the thallus varies from whitish to yellow, pink, red or purple shades. Species of Fusarium typically produce both macro- and microconidia from slender phialides.