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What are some good questions about immigration?

What are some good questions about immigration?

Green Card and Immigration Basics

  • What is a green card?
  • What is USCIS?
  • What is a lawful permanent resident?
  • What is conditional permanent residence?
  • Why would a green card application be denied?
  • Can I work in the U.S. while waiting for my green card?
  • What is the Visa Bulletin?
  • What is a biometric screening?

What are 3 reasons for immigration?

Key Points

  • People immigrate for many reasons, some of which include economic or political reasons, family reunification, natural disasters, or the desire to change one’s surroundings.
  • Immigration can represent an expansion of the supply of labor in the host country.

What is the most popular reason for immigration?

Perhaps the most commonly assumed reason for immigration. Parents sometimes make the difficult decision to migrate so their children can benefit from things like superior education, and plentiful job opportunities.

What are the disadvantages of immigration?

List of the Cons of Immigration

  • Immigration can cause over-population issues.
  • It encourages disease transmission.
  • Immigration can create wage disparities.
  • It creates stressors on educational and health resources.
  • Immigration reduces the chances of a developing nation.
  • It is easier to exploit immigrants.

What are the effects of illegal immigration on students?

The impact of immigration laws on students is detrimental. Demanding immigrant students to report their citizenship status is harmful for themselves and society. It leads to negative effects like an increased dropout rate, less jobs being filled, damage to innocent children and more. Students should feel encouraged […]

Are there any immigration records in the National Archives?

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has immigration records for various ports for the years 1800-1959. Until January 1, 1820, the U.S. Federal Government did not require require captains or masters of vessels to present a passenger list to U.S. officials.

Which is an example of an illegal immigration?

Illegal immigration is good because some immigrants are trying to give their children a better future than will have in the country that they came from. Some are immigrants might drug traffic. For example, mexico drug dealers bring drugs to the United States and sell them for possibly money, coke, ammo, or marijuana.

Why do we need to stop illegal immigration?

There have been a large number of illegal immigrants entering the United States for many years. For the last few years in particular, there has been a massive influx of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border. Illegal immigration needs to be stopped because it places a huge burden on the economy od the United States.