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Is interfaith marriage legal in Indonesia?

Is interfaith marriage legal in Indonesia?

The results show that the interfaith marriage is not regulated in the 1974 Marriage Law, because: First, the rejection of the majority of Muslims and the faction in Parliament because the interfaith marriage is against the aqidah (matters of faith) of Islam; Second, the interfaith marriage is contrary to the marriage …

Does Indonesia prohibit the marriage of persons with different religious backgrounds?

Indonesian government regulations make it difficult for people of different faiths to marry. If you want to be married in Indonesia, the official government regulation is that either the bride or groom must convert to the other’s religion. This can be done in the Kantor Urusan Agama in the Religious Affairs Ministry.

Can a husband and wife have different religions?

Religious differences can exist between all couples, even those who belong to the same church or religion. Two Catholics, for example, may differ on how important attending church is to them, or which teachings they believe in. A second myth is the belief that religious differences are inherently problematic.

Can I marry Indonesian girl?

There is no restriction to marry the girl in Indonesia but you may approach the Indian embassy at Indonesia for getting married to her under the provisions of special marriage act and get married there by completing the requisite formalities as is required by Indian laws.

Can Muslims marry non Muslims in Indonesia?

Even though Islamic law prohibits inter faith marriages, many Muslim women have married non-Muslim men and vice versa. “Interfaith marriage is a decision made by people who know what they should do with their lives, so it’s not something that should be decided by the state. …

How can I marry an Indonesian girl in India?

A single-status affidavit signed by both parties. In case one of the parties has married previously, the Divorce Decree (for divorcees) or Certificate of Death (for widowed) is necessary. Address proof and passport size photographs. Adequate documentary evidence of 30-day residence in India.

How many wives can you have in Indonesia?

four women
Indonesian law defines marriage as between a man and a woman, but a man may marry up to four women under certain circumstances. For example, religious courts grant permission for multiple wives if a man is married to a woman who is disabled, suffers from an incurable disease, or can not have children.

Can Indians marry Bali?

Indonesia’s authorities require all foreigners whom wish to get legal wedding in Bali to get CNI (Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage). This letter is issued by your Consulate representative in Indonesia, stating that there is no objection for you to get marriage in Indonesia.

Can you go to jail for marrying twice?

Committing bigamy in the United States is against the law in every state, and those who engage in it can be subject to both criminal and civil penalties. Civil law treats this concept somewhat differently than criminal law. Because your second marriage is illegal, it is considered void because it legally cannot exist.

Do you have to have the same religion to get married in Indonesia?

In Indonesia religion is the main issue in marriage. Marriages between different religions is not allowed in Indonesia. Both spouses must have the same religion in order to get marry legally. Once you have made the decision to marry in Indonesia, you must choose the type of religious ceremony that you intend to have.

What is the legal definition of marriage in Indonesia?

Indonesia’s 1974 Marriage Law stipulates that marriage can be legally recognized if it is performed according to the religion of the two parties. In Indonesia religion is the main issue in marriage.

Who are the ministers of religion in Indonesia?

Under the Indonesian Marriage Law, marriages may be performed by Ministers of Religion, officers of the Civil Registry Office (Kantor Catatan Sipil) or the Office of Religious Affairs (Kantor Urusan Agama). For a marriage to be legal, it must be conducted according to the religion and conform to the laws of the countries of the parties involved.

What kind of religions do they have in Indonesia?

The Indonesian House of Representatives approved six religions recognized by the government. They are Islam, Catholic, Protestant Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.