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Is cubane reactive?

Is cubane reactive?

The 90-degree bonding angle of the carbon atoms in cubane means that the bonds are highly strained. Therefore, cubane compounds are highly reactive, which in principle may make them useful as high-density, high-energyfuels and explosives (for example, octanitrocubane and heptanitrocubane).

Why is cubane so unstable?

Cubane is a solid crystalline substance. The cubane molecule was first synthesized in 1964 by Dr. It was believed that cubane would be impossible to synthesize because the unusually sharp 90-degree bonding angle of the carbon atoms would be too highly strained and hence unstable.

What is the point group of cubane?

Cubane belongs to the octahedral point group.

What is the empirical formula of cubane?


Who was the first person to synthesise cubane?

The cubane system was first synthesized over 35 years ago by Philip Eaton and Tom Cole. It is a highly symmetric cubic cage structure having carbon atoms at the vertices of a cube. dimer I and cubane-1,4,dicarboxylic acid.

Can a biradical be prepared from a cubane system?

only a small change in geometry, and the resulting biradical is still very strained. Functional groups on the cubane system generally behaves very well.Functional group transformation can be applied successfully.For example, the preparation of 1,4-dinitrocubane from cubane-1,4-dicarboxylic acid. (The mechanism is provided on the right hand side.)

How is the eight carbon cubane framework made?

The construction of the eight-carbon cubane framework begins when 2-bromocyclopentadienone undergoes a spontaneous Diels-Alder dimerization, analogous to the dimerization of cyclopentadiene to dicyclopentadiene —two molecules of 1 react to form 2.

How is the solubility of cubane affected by the number of linked units?

As the number of linked cubane units increases, the solubility of [n]cubylcubane plunges; as a result, only limited chain length (up to 40 units) have been successfully synthesized in solutions. The skeleton of [n]cubylcubanes is still composed of enormously strained carbon cubes, which therefore limit its stability.