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How historically accurate is Thirteen Days?

How historically accurate is Thirteen Days?

Verdict. There’s nothing from the Soviet or Cuban perspectives, but Thirteen Days gives a mostly accurate, if discreetly polished, view of the crisis from inside Washington’s corridors of power.

What is the message of Thirteen Days?

Thirteen Days recreates for this generation of Americans much of the reality of the most dangerous moment in human history. It recalls vividly a confrontation in which nuclear war was really possible, reminding us of an enduring truth about the nuclear age.

What happened during the Thirteen Days?

For thirteen days, October 16 – 28, 1962, the U.S. and Soviet Union faced each other down in a confrontation that would be the closest the world came to nuclear annihilation during the Cold War.

What event in American history is chronicled by Thirteen Days ‘?

What event in American history is chronicled by ‘Thirteen Days’? The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Who was the Soviet leader at the time of the crisis?

When did the movie Thirteen Days take place?

Movie Info For thirteen extraordinary days in October of 1962, the world stood on the brink of an unthinkable catastrophe. Across the globe, people anxiously awaited the outcome of a harrowing political, diplomatic and military confrontation that threatened to end in an apocalyptic nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What was the world like in thirteen days?

It’s easy to forget how invisible the rest of the world was from Washington in 1962. There wasn’t even a telephone line between the White House and the Kremlin. Khrushchev was reduced to broadcasting messages for Kennedy over Radio Moscow. Thirteen Days is lavishly pro-Kennedy, and correspondingly hard on some supporting characters.

Can you review thirteen days on Rotten Tomatoes?

They won’t be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. For thirteen extraordinary days in October of 1962, the world stood on the brink of an unthinkable catastrophe.

What was the outcome of thirteen days in 1962?

For thirteen extraordinary days in October of 1962, the world stood on the brink of an unthinkable catastrophe. Across the globe, people anxiously awaited the outcome of a harrowing political, diplomatic and military confrontation that threatened to end in an apocalyptic nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union.