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How does a DECA role play work?

How does a DECA role play work?

DECA’s role-plays and case studies challenge DECA members to demonstrate industry-relevant knowledge and skills through performance indicators, while also developing important 21st Century Skills – creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communications.

How do you role play successfully?

5 Sales Role-play Tips for Success from the Theater:

  1. Clarify expectations. Making sure everyone is clear about the goal of the role-play is key.
  2. Foster a safe environment. Role-play by it’s nature is an experimentation in new behavior.
  3. Create a specific scenario.
  4. Get your cast into role.
  5. Give feedback like a director.

How long is DECA role?

10 minutes
You will have up to 10 minutes to role-play your situation with a judge (you may have more than one judge). 3. You will be evaluated on how well you meet the performance indicators of this event.

How to prepare for a DECA role play?

1- Individual Competitor Usually a ½ page scenario 10 minutes of preparation Example: Sports Marketing Series (SEM) Team Decision Making Event 2 Competitors In-depth analysis and longer scenario 30 minutes of preparation Example: Sports and Entertainment Team Decision Making (STDM) Two types of role-plays

How to prepare for a DECA knowledge exam?

Preparation. I cannot stress the correlation between preparation and doing well on knowledge exams and in role plays. Two great ways to prepare for competition before you get to a DECA conference is to study performance indicators, 21st century skills and official DECA prep material and practice sample exams and role plays.

How to use performance indicators in role play?

You can use the performance indicator listed for your competitive event to help you study for the written exam and prepare yourself for your role-play or presentation. Each individual role-play or team decision making event scenario has one dominant instructional area that is the focus of the role-play scenario.

What do you mean by performance indicator in DECA?

What in the world is a performance indicator? A performance indicator is used to measure and evaluate knowledge of a specific skill. In a DECA competition, the judge uses both general and specific business and marketing skills as performance indicators to evaluate the competitor.