Popular tips

How do you fill white space on a resume?

How do you fill white space on a resume?

How to create white space in a CV:Use Line Spacing. Microsoft Word allows you to increase line spacing between text. Keep Bullet Points Short. We often talk about how your achievements should be listed in bullet point format in a CV. Be Consistent. Play With Margins. Avoid Leaving Pages Half-Filled.

How does a senior citizen write a resume?

Resume Sample and Tips for Older Job SeekersConsider a Functional or Combination Resume. Limit Your Related Experience. Drop Your Other Experience. Don’t Include Education / Training Dates. Be Careful About Years. Target Your Resume. Highlight Your Skills. Show You’re Connected.

Is 64 too old to work?

70 is the median age reported by Gen-Xers as “old,” while 75 is the median age they consider people to be too old to work. 65 is the median age reported by millennials as “old,” while 70 is the median age they consider people to be too old to work.

What jobs have the best retirement?

Check out these jobs with pensions:Teacher.State and local government.Utilities.Protective service.Insurance.Pharmaceuticals.Nurse.Transportation.