Popular tips

How do I scroll in vi?

How do I scroll in vi?

To scroll forward (move down) one screenful, press Ctrl-F. (Hold down the Control key and press the F key.) The cursor moves to the upper left corner of the new screen.

How do I jump to the end of a line in vim?

Just the $ (dollar sign) key. You can use A to move to the end of the line and switch to editing mode (Append). To jump the last non-blank character, you can press g then _ keys. The opposite of A is I (Insert mode at beginning of line), as an aside.

How do I view end of file in Linux?

The tail command is a core Linux utility used to view the end of text files. You can also use follow mode to see new lines as they’re added to a file in real time. tail is similar to the head utility, used for viewing the beginning of files.

How do I edit a vi file?


  1. Introduction.
  2. 1Select the file by typing vi index.
  3. 2Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the part of the file you want to change.
  4. 3Use the i command to enter Insert mode.
  5. 4Use the Delete key and the letters on the keyboard to make the correction.
  6. 5Press the Esc key to get back to Normal mode.

How do you exit out of the vi editor?

To exit Vi/Vim, use the :q command and hit [Enter]. Exit File in Vi Editor. To save a file and exit Vi/Vim simultaneously, use the :wq command and hit [Enter] or 😡 command. Save and Exit File in Vi. If you make changes to a file but try to quite Vi/Vim using ESC and q key, you’ll receive an error as shown in the scrrenshot below.

How to edit in VI?

so you’ll have to start it from a terminal window.

  • Command Mode. This is what you’ll see when you open a file in vi.
  • which allows you to insert text in Vi.
  • Saving and Quitting.
  • How do you edit in VI?

    Use the vi /path/to/file command to open an existing file with Vi. The vi /path/to/file command also works if the file doesn’t exist yet; Vi will create a new file and write it to the specified location when you save. Remember to use sudo if you want to edit a system file.