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How do I reduce facebook battery usage on iPhone?

How do I reduce facebook battery usage on iPhone?

How to stop the Facebook app from draining your device’s battery

  1. Disable Autoplay for Facebook videos.
  2. Disable location settings and Background App Refresh.
  3. Turn off app notifications.
  4. Turn off app push notifications.

Does clubhouse drain battery?

Conclusions. To sum up, we can say that the Clubhouse app behaved pretty much as expected and can work on pretty terrible network conditions and still consume reasonable amounts of data. It will be interesting to see how Clubhouse will perform on Android devices when launched on this platform.

How to stop Facebook app from draining iPhone battery?

Open the Facebook app and tap on More at the bottom → Next up, you need to choose Settings. Step #2. Tap on Account Settings in the popup. Step #3. Up next, you have to tap on Videos and Photos. Step #4. Tap on Auto-play and select Never Autoplay Videos. #5.

Why does Facebook use so much battery on my iPhone?

Not only does Facebook use tons of battery when left unchecked, it can also take up insane amounts of storage space on your iPhone. This is exactly why I never let Facebook have permission to access … well, almost anything on my iPhone.

How can I preserve battery life on my iPhone?

Here are a few tips on how to preserve your phone’s battery life. The first few steps apply to both Android and iPhone devices. Go into the Facebook app and choose the three-line menu. Open Settings & Privacy and tap on Settings. For iPhone users, scroll down and click on Videos and Photos under Media and Contacts.

Why is my iPhone wasting so much battery?

Facebook autoplay not only unnecessarily wastes iPhone battery life, it also wastes data. If you’re on a limited data plan, you’ll definitely want to make sure you check this one off your list: Launch the Facebook app and tap on More at the bottom.