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How do I get my superannuation from financial hardship?

How do I get my superannuation from financial hardship?

Access due to severe financial hardship You need to contact your super provider to request access to your super due to severe financial hardship. You may be able to withdraw some of your super if you meet both these conditions: You have received eligible government income support payments continuously for 26 weeks.

How do I withdraw my super from Suncorp?

How can you access your super? Accessing your money is easy with an Everyday Super Pension and Brighter Super Pension account. Simply choose to receive your regular pension payments into your nominated financial institution account, either: Fortnightly.

What is severe financial hardship?

Definition. A single person is in severe financial hardship if: their readily available funds are equal to or less than the specified limit (as set out below), AND. they CANNOT reasonably be expected to sell or borrow against assets (1.1. 290) to improve their financial position.

Can I access my super Covid 2021?

The COVID-19 early release of super program closed on 31 December 2020. You can no longer apply for early access to some of your superannuation using this program. If eligible, you may be able to withdraw some of your super on other compassionate grounds.

When do I need to complete the Suncorp financial hardship form?

If you’d like help completing this form, or if you have any questions, just call us between 8am and 6pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Monday to Friday on: — Suncorp Brighter Super – 13 11 55 — Suncorp Employee Superannuation Plan – 1800 652 489 Important information

What to do with your Suncorp superannuation balance?

Use this form to transfer your existing Suncorp Superannuation balance to your Kiwisaver Scheme. Use this form to make a cash withdrawal from your account or transfer to another super fund if you are with Suncorp Brighter Super or SESP.

What kind of issues does Suncorp deal with?

In 2019 Suncorp participated in industry roundtables with community organisations to learn more about issues including domestic and family violence, financial and elder abuse, gambling and unsecured debt, financial hardship and homelessness, Indigenous disadvantage, vulnerability and inclusion.

When to apply for severe financial hardship Super?

Severe financial hardship Superannuation is designed to help you save for your retirement, so the Australian Government has applied rules around when and how you can access it. Normally you cannot access your super until you reach your preservation age.