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How do I center an image in bootstrap carousel?

How do I center an image in bootstrap carousel?

Add a class to each image in the carousel html code, then with css apply margin: 0 auto . This work for me very simple just add attribute align=”center”. Tested on Bootstrap 4.

How do I center an image in a slider?

To make the image fill the slider, set the “resizeContents” option to true. To center the image, try using text-align:center; instead of the margin.

How do you center a carousel caption in bootstrap 4?

carousel-item is display:block; . Then you can simply use text-center to center the contents. Another option is to simply use the flexbox utils, and change the direction to flex-column . Then align-items-center can be used…

How to center bootstrap carousel image in ASP.NET?

The following code for a bootstrap carousel puts the image to the left of the “previous” indicator. Any suggestions to get the image where it should be? Thanks.

How to center image in Carousel-Stack Overflow?

If you want the image to be centred vertically as well as horizontally (i.e. the height of the image is not the height of the carousel), the easiest way is to use flexbox alongside making sure the width and height match the parent. For me this help. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.

How to set carousel height in boostrap 4?

Or use media-query to set your own fixed height. On Boostrap 4 simply add mx-auto to your carousel image class. Combine with the samples from the bootstrap carousel documentation as desired. And of course one of the parent divs needs to have a position:relative, but I believe it does by default.

How to add class to Carousel in CSS?

Add a class to each image in the carousel html code, then with css apply margin: 0 auto. Was having a very similar issue to this while using a CMS but it was not resolving with the above solution. What I did to solve it is put the following in the applicable css: