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How do I access my Netgear Stora?

How do I access my Netgear Stora?

Yes, you can access the Stora web GUI from your local LAN by opening a web browser and entering “http://IP_Address/?local=1”. To access your Stora remotely, open your browser and go to http://www.mystora.com.

How do I reset my Netgear Stora?

Make sure you have backed up files, and that the Stora unit is on and running. Locate the Reset button on the back of the Stora unit. Press and hold the Reset button until the front HD LED blinks 7 times, at 5 second intervals. Release the Reset button after the 6th consecutive flash of HD lights.

How do I reset my Netgear Stora password?

To reset your Stora administrator password:

  1. Insert the Setup CD into your PC or Mac.
  2. Click Reset Tools.
  3. Once the IP address of your Stora device displays take note of it and click Reset.
  4. Click OK, and then reboot the Stora.
  5. After the Stora reboots, right-click the Stora Agent icon, and select Open Stora Application.

What do you need to know about Netgear Stora?

NETGEAR Stora is a highly secure and stable home server that lets you collect, store, manage, share, and enjoy your digital media content, including personal photos, music, videos, and documents. It is easy to drag and drop digital media to Stora, catalog it into folders, and share it by creating albums.

Why is my hipserv not connecting to my Stora?

2013-03-19 02:59 AM I use Hipserv on my android tablet to connect to my Stora all the time, but yesterday it started giving the error message “Unable to connect to portal. Check product name is correct” and asking me to varify my credentials (which are all correct)

Where can I get the latest firmware for Netgear?

With the above procedure, you’ll get the url for the newest firmware ( http://netgear.hipserv.com/updates/netgear/v_2_0/hbs-5033.upd in this case), ssh into the Stora, get root access and proceed to download it somewhere, for example under /tmp which resides on your hard drive (s):

Is the old hipserv app usable inside my Lan?

The old HipServ app freezes already on the login page. They are usable inside my LAN, but that’s not interesting for me – I want to use them over 3G to stream music to my iPhone when I’m out and about. And for that, they are both useless. 2015-01-08 02:18 PM 2015-01-08 02:18 PM