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How big is the IG Metall in Germany?

How big is the IG Metall in Germany?

Analysts of German labor relations consider it a major trend-setter in national bargaining. IG Metall and ver.di together account for around 15 percent of the German workforce, and other sectors tend to broadly follow their agreements.

What are the major accomplishments of IG Metall?

Major accomplishments of IG Metall in the German labor market include, applied to the regions/covered employees: Most recently, IG Metall agreed to a landmark deal with employers in 2016, giving 3.8 million workers in the metalworking sector a two-stage pay rise of 4.8 percent over 21 months.

Is the IG Metall collective agreement good for Germany?

The new agreement of the metal and electrical industries in Baden Württemberg – which is set to be the pilot agreement for other collective bargaining rounds in Germany – is a positive political signal for work-life balance.

Where did the name IG Metall come from?

The name IG Metall refers to the union’s metalworkers roots dating back to the start of unions in imperial Germany in the 1890s, though this formal organization was founded post-war in 1949.

When did the IG Metall Industrial action start?

In early 2018, more than 900,000 workers took part in industrial action in support of IG Metall’s demands for higher pay and the right to shortened working hours.

Who are the members of the IG Metall?

However, Alois Wöhrle (1969) and Karl-Heinz Janzen (1992) retired without advancing to 1st Chair, while Walter Riester (1998) became Federal Minister of Labour and therefore dropped out. IG Metall is a member of the German Trade Union Confederation (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB).

When did the GHK join IG Metall union?

Most recently, IG Metall agreed to a landmark deal with employers in 2016, giving 3.8 million workers in the metalworking sector a two-stage pay rise of 4.8 percent over 21 months. On April 1, 1998 the Textile and Clothing Union (GTB) joined IG Metall. On January 1, 2000 the Wood and Plastic Union (GHK), also joined.