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Does FedEx deliver in Russia?

Does FedEx deliver in Russia?

All shipments shipped to or shipped from Russia must pass through Customs inspection. Please review the Customs checklist to see if you’re ready to ship internationally. Check the shipping limitations to make sure that you can ship the commodity to or from Russia.

Does FedEx SmartPost deliver internationally?

The only way to deliver to domestic P.O. boxes is to select FedEx SmartPost, which uses the USPS system in the final leg of delivery. It’s possible to ship to P.O. boxes in Puerto Rico and some international destinations via FedEx Express.

Where do packages go after FedEx SmartPost?

post office
With SmartPost, FedEx delivers packages to the post office closest to the final destination. Then, USPS delivers them to customers, usually the next day.

How long does a package stay at FedEx SmartPost?

463.3339. Current service information for FedEx SmartPost is: Transit times: Delivery in typically 2 to 7 business days in the 48 contiguous U.S. states. Delivery in 10 to 14 business days outside the 48 contiguous U.S. states.

How do I get FedEx to pick up my SmartPOST?

businesses that ship via FedEx SmartPost and require a FedEx Ground pickup. To enable this feature: 1. Select System Settings from the Customize drop-down menu. 2. Select the appropriate System # and click Modify. 3. Click 1-Your System Settings. 4. Enter the FedEx SmartPost close time in the FedEx Auto-close Settings section.

How to choose the best FedEx shipping service?

Plan your shipment based on destination. Ensure the item can be shipped. Pack the item. Determine which shipping service is best for your needs. Create the shipping label. Choose additional delivery options and special services if needed. Print and attach the FedEx shipping label.

How to set up a shipping account with FedEx?

Open a FedEx account, and you can easily schedule a pickup online. We’ll pick up your shipment right from your doorstep for a small fee. Plan your shipment based on destination. Ensure the item can be shipped. Pack the item. Determine which shipping service is best for your needs. Create the shipping label.

How long does it take for FedEx Ground to deliver a package?

Ground shipping Ship with FedEx Ground for quick delivery in 1–5 business days (with most packages arriving within 3 business days).