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Are the Indie Book Awards legitimate?

Are the Indie Book Awards legitimate?

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards claims the honor of largest not-for-profit awards program for independent publishers. They accept entries from independent publishers and authors worldwide, with the stipulation that the book is published in the English language.

Are self-published books considered for awards?

Entry criteria for the Booker prize state that “self-published books are not eligible where the author is the publisher or where a company has been specifically set up to publish that book”, while the Bailey’s women’s prize for fiction stipulates that books must come from a “bone fide imprint”.

How much do indie authors make per book?

Self-published authors can make between 40% – 60% royalties on a single book sale while traditionally published authors usually make between 10%-12% royalties. First-time authors who want to traditionally publish can get an advance, which is usually $10,000 (usually not that much more for a first-timer).

Are book awards Prestigious?

Receiving a literary award is one of the most prestigious recognition for an author and for all those who work behind a book, or a piece of art. Literary awards allow the readers to discover the best titles of the year, and they’re usually divided by genre or category.

How is the Best Indie Book Award judged?

The Best Indie Book Award ® is a legitimate writing competition. Entries will be judged based on multiple writing skills, which include story-telling ability, author’s ability to engage the reader, transitions, pacing, movement of the story, hooks, and author’s skill with voice, character, dialogue, narrative, grammar, and punctuation.

What does it mean to win an IndieReader Award?

Inclusion in IndieReader Selects, the only distribution program created specifically to get indie books into indie bookstores nationwide (you can find more details on IRS here or at www.irselects.com) An IndieReader “All About the Book” feature A sticker pronouncing your book an “IndieReader Discovery Awards” winner

What is the next generation Indie Book Awards?

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards claims the honor of largest not-for-profit awards program for independent publishers. They accept entries from independent publishers and authors worldwide, with the stipulation that the book is published in the English language. They have over 70 categories to choose from including:

How does the independent author Book Awards work?

While all independent author book awards programs work a bit differently, they all have the same goal: helping self-published authors get their book into the hands of more readers. Recognition from a prominent panel of judges can increase a book’s credibility, visibility, and marketability.