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Who are astronauts that have met aliens on Moon?

Who are astronauts that have met aliens on Moon?

NASA Astronauts Speak About The Aliens That They’ve Met On The Moon. According to a professor, he once asked an astronaut of the Apollo 11, Neil Buzz Aldrin, what really happened on the Moon. The astronaut answered that they found aliens, and they ordered them to move away.

What did NASA astronauts say about the aliens?

The astronaut answered that they found aliens, and they ordered them to move away. He went on saying that there were structures all around the surface of the Moon and their ships and technology were far superior to their own. The astronaut also said that NASA continued to send a mission to the Moon after that incident in order not to panic people.

Are there aliens in the Qur’an according to Islam?

To summarise; Dr. Shabir Ally, President of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre, Toronto, Canada states, The Qur’an actually is quite open to the possibility that many Earths do exist, because the first chapter of the Qur’an says: “Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds”.

Are there aliens in space according to Haim Eshed?

A “galactic federation” has been waiting for humans to “reach a stage where we will understand… what space and spaceships are,” Haim Eshed said. A communication satellite orbits Earth.

Are there aliens on The Dark Side of the Moon?

As like every other claim of alien existence, even this one is being refuted by the officials, but there are certain concrete evidences that do prove that aliens are there on the dark side of the moon. However, what is very surprising is that the existence of aliens is not limited to the planet alone, but they are present on the moon as well.

Are there any alien bases on the Moon?

After the seminar, Johnston allegedly approached Hoagland with his photo set, and the two would look through them together. According to Hoagland, the photos were very intriguing, and definitely showed evidence of an alien presence on the moon.

What did Neil Aldrin say about the aliens?

According to a professor, he once asked an astronaut of the Apollo 11, Neil Buzz Aldrin, what really happened on the Moon. The astronaut answered that they found aliens, and they ordered them to move away. He went on saying that there were structures all around the surface of the Moon and their ships and technology was far superior to their own.