Useful tips

When should you refer to low back pain?

When should you refer to low back pain?

Referral for physical treatments is most appropriate for patients whose symptoms are not improving over 2 to 4 weeks. Specialty referral should be considered for patients with a progressive neurologic deficit, failure of conservative therapy, or an uncertain or serious diagnosis.

What can cause referred back pain?

This is called referred pain. Many disorders within the abdomen, such as appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, kidney infection, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders, among others, can cause pain referred to the back.

Does spinal extension or flexion reduce disc nerve root pain or irritation?

Spinal Flexion and Spinal Stenosis Generally, getting your spine into a flexed position helps relieves the pain and cramping associated with neurogenic claudication.

What is lumbar facet syndrome?

Lumbosacral facet syndrome refers to a clinical condition consisting of various patient-reported symptoms, including mechanical back pain, radicular symptoms, and neurogenic claudication, secondary to either acute or subacute trauma, or secondary to the degenerative cascade affecting the posterior spinal elements.

What is the L5-S1 lumbosacral joint?

L5-S1 is the joint that connects these bones. It is composed of the last bone in the low back, called L5, and the triangularly shaped bone beneath, known as the sacrum. The sacrum is made of five fused bones of which the S1 is the topmost.

What is L5 of the spine?

The term “L5” describes the area, or level, in which a specific spinal nerve exits the spinal column and runs through the body. The L5 segment is in the lower spine, and the spinal nerve associated with it runs down the back of the legs to provide sensory and motor signals to the legs.

What are the symptoms of lumbar pain?

Symptoms of lumbar (lower back) spinal stenosis: Pain, cramping, or stiffness in the legs and lower back, especially if you have been standing or walking for a long period of time. In severe cases, loss of bladder, bowel, or sexual function can occur, and is called cauda equina syndrome .