Useful tips

What should I say when a boy asks what am I to you?

What should I say when a boy asks what am I to you?

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?”

  • “I love you because you are you.
  • “You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”
  • “I love how I feel when I’m with you.”
  • “You accept me for me.

How would you answer the question Who am I?

Who am I = what is my identity? The “answer” to “who am I” is our identity.

Who am I answer examples?

14 Answers To The Question: “Who Am I?”

  • Who am I?
  • I am quirky.
  • I love with everything in me.
  • I am strong willed and independent.
  • I am very competitive.
  • I tell my family everything.
  • I help others.
  • I am extremely hardworking.

Are there quiz questions with answers to what am I?

Quiz Questions With Answers. ‘What Am I?’ quizzes are a lot of fun! If you’re not familiar with ‘What am I?’ quizzes, they are riddles in which the clues are in the first person. For example, “I am a bird but I can’t fly.

What’s the meaning of the question ” who Am I “?

When these questions overwhelm me, I find myself inspired by this quote by Indian sage, Ramana Maharshi: “The question, ‘who am I?’ is not really meant to get an answer, the question ‘who am I?’ is meant to dissolve the questioner.” Whoa. Dissolve the questioner. What does that even mean? How can dissolving my identity help me figure out who I am?

Which is the best quiz to find out what I do?

Quiz with answers as a printable PDF. This next ‘What Am I?’ quiz is a fun quiz about jobs and occupations. Here are the 10 ‘What Am I?’ questions with answers and a printable PDF. I work in a restaurant. I cook food.

What are the clues in the what am I quiz?

If you’re not familiar with ‘What am I?’ quizzes, they are riddles in which the clues are in the first person. For example, “I am a bird but I can’t fly. I am black and white.