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What is the synonym and antonym of stagnant?

What is the synonym and antonym of stagnant?

stagnant. Synonyms: motionless, currentless, tideless, unflowing, uncirculating, still, dull, torpid, lifeless, quiescent. Antonyms: brisk, flowing, circulating, rapid, lively, agitated, seething, effervescent, restless.

What is the antonym for the word stagnant?

stagnant. Antonyms: brisk, flowing, circulating, rapid, lively, agitated, seething, effervescent, restless. Synonyms: motionless, currentless, tideless, unflowing, uncirculating, still, dull, torpid, lifeless, quiescent.

What is the best antonym for stagnant?

antonyms for stagnant

  • alert.
  • busy.
  • energetic.
  • mobile.
  • moving.
  • spirited.
  • working.
  • lively.

Which is the best antonym for the word stagnant?

Antonyms for stagnant. Without him life would be stagnant, energy and virtue purposeless. It was like opening a door out of a beautiful garden into a stagnant ditch. “It must have been the wind in the trees,” he thought; but there could be no wind in the stagnant dampness of that air. The second in a stagnant water at the bottom of a deep ditch.

Is there such thing as a stagnant action?

Action will never be stagnant while there are such things as gold and power. Her conversion was an event that broke the lethargy of their stagnant life. Without him life would be stagnant, energy and virtue purposeless. It was like opening a door out of a beautiful garden into a stagnant ditch.

Which is the best synonym for stagnant economy?

Starting in the 1990s, states sought to replicate the tribal model, gradually enabling nonreservation casinos to promote stagnant economies. SPORTS GAMBLING COULD BE THE PANDEMIC’S BIGGEST WINNER JONATHAN D. COHENFEBRUARY 5, 2021 WASHINGTON POST

Which is an antonym for the word hastening?

Answer: To dawdle means to spend time idly or move slowly, whereas hastening indicates moving quickly. Thus, the words are antonyms of each other. Question: What is an antonym for “ingenuous”? Answer: An ingenuous person shows innocent simplicity and candidness, and thus is the opposite of dishonest.