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What is the second-level of education?

What is the second-level of education?

The second-level education sector comprises secondary, vocational, community and comprehensive schools. Secondary schools are privately owned and managed. Second-level education consists of a three-year junior cycle followed by a two or three-year senior cycle.

What are the subjects in secondary education?

Some examples of courses that you may take while enrolled in this program include:

  • Physical Sciences.
  • Biological Sciences.
  • Mathematics.
  • English.
  • Filipino.
  • Social Studies.
  • Music, Arts, and Physical Education.
  • Technology and Livelihood Education.

What is a secondary subject?

Secondary subjects exist when an investigator asks a primary subject, with. whom the investigator is directly interacting, to provide information about other individuals, often. family members.

Which is the second stage of secondary education?

Level 2 or lower secondary education (less common junior secondary education) is considered the second and final phase of basic education, and level 3 (upper) secondary education is the stage before tertiary education. Every country aims to provide basic education, but the systems and terminology remain unique to them.

What are the seven levels of secondary education?

The seven levels are: Within this system, Levels 1 and 2 – that is, primary education and lower secondary – together form basic education. Beyond that, national governments may attach the label of secondary education to Levels 2 through 4 together, Levels 2 and 3 together, or Level 2 alone.

What is the syllabus for a secondary school?

Secondary Education – Syllabus. Secondary Education is a school in the formal education system that has grades 9 to 12. Secondary Education is education at any of the grades mentioned above. Secondary Education is the next level of (upward) progression after Upper Primary.

How many grades are there in secondary school?

Secondary Education is a school in the formal education system that has grades 9 to 12. Secondary Education is education at any of the grades mentioned above. Secondary Education is the next level of (upward) progression after Upper Primary. There are two levels of secondary education.