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What is the most common Swiss surname?

What is the most common Swiss surname?

The most common Swiss last name is Müller, which means “miller” in English. You’ll find Müllers mainly in the German-speaking cantons, which make up most of the land area of Switzerland.

What are popular Swedish last names?

One third of all Swedish surnames end with –son. Svensson, Johansson, Gustavsson belong to the most common last names in Sweden. (Source: SCB.)…List of 100 Most Common Swedish Surnames.

Rank Lastname Count
1 Andersson 238 843
2 Johansson 238 259
3 Karlsson 212 126
4 Nilsson 163 029

What are the top 10 best last names?

Using Census Bureau data, 24/7 Wall Street compiled a list of the top 50 last names in the U.S. Here’s what they found:

  • Smith.
  • Johnson.
  • Williams.
  • Brown.
  • Jones.
  • Garcia.
  • Miller.
  • Davis.

What is the most common last name in Switzerland?

The most common Swiss last name is Müller, which means “miller” in English. You’ll find Müllers mainly in the German-speaking cantons, which make up most of the land area of Switzerland. Most Popular Swiss Last Names on FamilyEducation: Accola, von Arx, Schaffhauser.

What are some Swiss girl names?

In Swiss-German-speaking Switzerland the top three girls names in rank order were Mia, Lara and Emma and for boys were Noah, Leon and Luca. In French-speaking Switzerland the top three in order of popularity for girls were Emma, Eva and Lea and for boys were Gabriel, Liam and Lucas.

Is Switzer a Swiss name?

The surname Switzer indicates that the original bearer immigrated to Austria from Switzerland. The surname Switzer was first found in Austria, where the name was closely identified in early mediaeval times with the feudal society which would shape the course of European history.

What is Switzerland’s name?

The official name of Switzerland is Confoederatio Helvetica, which means Swiss Confederation in Latin. The Latin name is only used on official documents but it is the reason why Switzerland’s data code abbreviation is CH. Confederazione svizzera (Italian), Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German),…