Useful tips

What is StreamReader peek?

What is StreamReader peek?

The Peek method returns an integer value in order to determine whether the end of the file, or another error has occurred. This allows a user to first check if the returned value is -1 before casting it to a Char type. This method overrides TextReader.

What is the difference between Streamwriter and StreamReader?

A StreamReader is used whenever data is required to be read from a file. A Streamwriter is used whenever data needs to be written to a file.

What does StreamReader do?

C# StreamReader is used to read characters to a stream in a specified encoding. StreamReader. Read method reads the next character or next set of characters from the input stream. StreamReader is inherited from TextReader that provides methods to read a character, block, line, or all content.

What is StreamReader in VB net?

StreamReader handles text files. We read a text file in VB.NET by Using StreamReader. This will correctly dispose of system resources and make code simpler. The best way to use StreamReader requires some special syntax.

How does the Peek method in streamreader work?

The following code example reads lines from a file until the end of the file is reached. The Peek method returns an integer value in order to determine whether the end of the file, or another error has occurred. This allows a user to first check if the returned value is -1 before casting it to a Char type. This method overrides TextReader.Peek.

How to use streamreader in VB.NET program?

VB.NET program that uses StreamReader ReadToEnd Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main () ‘ Wrap StreamReader in using block. Using streamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader ( “C:\\programs\\file.txt”) ‘ Get entire contents of file in string. Dim contents As String = streamReader.

Are there any issues with streamreader.endofstream?

No you wont experience any issue’s. If you look at the implementation if EndToStream, you’ll find that it just checks if there is still data in the buffer and if not, if it can read more data from the underlying stream:

How to use streamreader as an extension to textreader?

EnumerateLines would then be an extension method on TextReader using an iterator block. (This means you can also use it for LINQ etc easily.) Or you could use ReadAllLines, to simplify your code: This way, you let .NET take care of all the EOF/EOL management, and you focus on your content.