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What is pincode of borabanda hyderabad?

What is pincode of borabanda hyderabad?

Borabanda is a popular locality situated in Hyderabad and the pin code of this locality is 500018.

What is the Mandal of borabanda?

Borabanda is a place located in Hyderabad Mandal, in Hyderabad district of Telangana state, India. According to census information the total population of Borabanda is living in houses, among them male population is and female population is . Borabanda vehicle registration code is TS 09,10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

What is the Pincode of yousufguda?

Yousufguda/Zip codes

Which district is kukatpally?

Reorganised list of District,Mandal,Villages of GHMC

S.No District Mandal
72 Medchal – Malkajgiri Alwal
73 Medchal – Malkajgiri Kapra
74 Medchal – Malkajgiri Kapra
75 Medchal – Malkajgiri Kukatpally

Which is the nearest locality to Borabanda in Hyderabad?

Correct below Info and add more info about Borabanda. Borabanda is a Locality in Hyderabad City in Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . Borabanda Pin code is 500018 and postal head office is Swarajyanagar . Radha Krishna Nagar , N.r.r. Puram , Padmavati Nagar , Rajnagar , N.r.r. Puram are the nearby Localities to Borabanda.

Where is Sri Vivekananda Nagar, Borabanda Pin code?

Sri Vivekananda Nagar, Borabanda is a Locality in Hyderabad City in Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . Sri Vivekananda Nagar, Borabanda Pin code is 500018 and postal head office is Swarajyanagar .

Which is the vehicle registration code of Borabanda?

Borabanda is a place located in Hyderabad Mandal, in Hyderabad district of Telangana state, India. According to census information the total population of Borabanda is living in houses, among them male population is and female population is . Borabanda vehicle registration code is TS 09,10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Which is the postal head office of Borabanda?

Borabanda is a Locality in Hyderabad City in Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . Borabanda Pin code is 500018 and postal head office is Swarajyanagar .