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What is a phaser cannon?

What is a phaser cannon?

A phaser cannon was a type of directed energy cannon weapon, a powerful phaser bank, used by at least the United Federation of Planets, the Terran Rebellion, and Species 6339. It has been utilized as a ground vehicle mounted turret gun and an embedded starship-mounted weapon system. (

What is a phaser weapon?

Phaser rifle, 2370s The phaser beam could stun, heat, kill, or disintegrate living creatures. Phasers could damage shields or other systems or even cut through a hull. Phasers could also be used to cut through walls and burrow through rock. The beam could be focused to a single spot or widened to impact a large area.

How does a phaser weapon work?

According to later series, phasers release a beam of fictional subatomic particles called “rapid nadion”, which are then refracted (“rectified”) through superconducting crystals. The original phaser rifle prop from “Where No Man Has Gone Before” sold at auction in 2013 for $231,000.

How do you get the quad cannon phaser?

The Phaser Quad Cannons [Dmg]x3 are obtained from:

  1. – Sao Paulo Tactical Escort Refit (Ship and Shuttle Requisitions, 150,000 , Tier 4)
  2. – Legendary Defiant Pilot Warship (Zen Store, 10th Anniversary Legendary Starship Bundles, 30,000 , Tier 6)

What kind of weapon is a phaser cannon?

A phaser cannon was a type of directed energy cannon weapon, a powerful phaser bank, used by at least the United Federation of Planets, the Terran Rebellion, and Species 6339. It has been utilized as a ground vehicle mounted turret gun and an embedded starship -mounted weapon system.

Are there phaser cannons in Star Trek Discovery?

The ships in Star Trek: Discovery have what appear to be phaser cannons; in a sense, they fire in a series of bursts. It isn’t until Season 2 that the weapons take on their beam-like firing pattern with their signature sound effect.

Can you do any missions with a phaser build?

As you can now play through any mission at any level when levelling up your character, you can selectively choose which missions to do to make the best use of your time playing the game. Here is a list of missions and the rewards you should choose if you are using a phaser build.

When did Starfleet start using the phaser rifle?

Phaser rifle, 2260s. Phaser technology used by Starfleet was preceded by phase-modulated particle weapons in the mid-22nd century, including such weapons as the hand-held phase-pistol and ship-mounted phase cannon. Laser weapons, such as the laser pistol, were also used before phasers became the standard-issue weapon in the Starfleet arsenal.