Useful tips

What is a Mastercut?

What is a Mastercut?

The Medieval German fencing masters of the previous century taught them as “Verborgen Haue” or “Funff Haue”, meaning the “hidden” or “secret strikes” and also “the five strikes.” As the terms “Mastercut” (Meisterhau) and “secret cut” imply, these strikes were not commonly known.

What is Harnischfechten?

Harnischfechten, or “armoured fighting” (German kampffechten, or Fechten in Harnisch zu Fuss, literally “fighting in armour on foot”), depicts fighting in full plate armour. The increased defensive capability of a man clad in full plate armour caused the use of the sword to be drastically changed.

What are the different sword stances?

These are: the Ox, the Plow, the Fool, the Roof. These of course correspond to in the middle (“Plow”), outside high/horizontal pointing (“Ox”), low (“Fool”), and high (“Roof”).

What was the importance of Johannes Liechtenauer’s art?

The medieval German fighting tradition originating with Master Johannes Liechtenauer stressed above all the importance of understanding and controlling the initiative in an encounter, and his art comprises techniques for seizing control of the fight and regaining it should it be lost.

What kind of Fencing did Johannes Liechtenauer teach?

Liechtenauer’s teachings are preserved in a long poem of rhyming couplets called the Zettel (“Recital”), covering fencing with the “long” or extended sword (i.e. with both hands at one end of the sword), the “short” or withdrawn sword (i.e. with one hand at either end), and on horseback.

What did Liechtenauer use as an exemplar weapon?

While Liechtenauer himself exposed the principles of the art through his exemplar weapon, the longsword, the concepts apply to all weapons and in all situations. This six-class track will explore some of these principles as they apply to the longsword, the poleaxe, dagger, buckler, and unarmed combat.

How many figures are in a Liechtenauer treatise?

In addition to the verses on mounted fencing, several treatises in the Liechtenauer tradition include a group of twenty-six “figures” ( figuren )—phrases that are shorter than Liechtenauer’s couplets and often arranged into the format of a Medieval tree diagram.