Useful tips

What is a counterproductive strategy?

What is a counterproductive strategy?

Counterproductive work behaviour refers to actions by employees that go against the goals and aims of their employer. CWB is not necessarily malicious but it is always conscious – it doesn’t include accidental or unconscious behaviours or incidents.

What is meaning of counter productive?

adjective. thwarting the achievement of an intended goal; tending to defeat one’s purpose: Living on credit while trying to save money is counterproductive.

What is counter productive culture?

Counterproductive norms are group norms that prevent a group, organization, or other collective entities from performing or accomplishing its originally stated function by working oppositely to how they were initially intended.

How do you use the word counterproductive?

Counterproductive in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The measures are counterproductive and have only increased crime in our community.
  2. Eating a gallon of ice cream is counterproductive to your diet.
  3. According to research, raising our prices is a counterproductive measure that will reduce sales.

What are the types of counterproductive work behaviors?

Definition of Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB): Counterproductive work behaviors come in many different forms, but can include tardiness, theft, fraud, sexual harassment, workplace bullying, absenteeism, substance abuse, workplace aggression, or sabotage.

What is another word for counterproductive?

What is another word for counterproductive?

ineffectual ineffective
hamstrung futile
useless worthless
profitless unprofitable
unproductive unavailing

Can I be counter productive?

Something that is counter-productive achieves the opposite result from the one that you want to achieve. In practice, however, such an attitude is counter-productive. It is counterproductive to address an interviewee in patronizing tones.

What is another word for counterintuitive?

What is another word for counterintuitive?

unreasonable faulty
illogical implausible
nonsensical absurd
capricious contradictory
erratic preposterous

What is counter productive deviant workplace Behaviour?

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is employee behavior that goes against the legitimate interests of an organization. Workplace deviance is behavior at work that violates norms for appropriate behavior. Retaliation consists of harmful behaviors done by employees to get back at someone who has treated them unfairly.

What are the different types of counterproductive work behaviors?

Counterproductive work behaviors come in many different forms, but can include tardiness, theft, fraud, sexual harassment, workplace bullying, absenteeism, substance abuse, workplace aggression, or sabotage.

What’s the difference between counterintuitive and counterproductive?

If something is counterproductive, that means it counters productivity, or goes against whatever goal you’re talking about within the context. Counterintuitive means something that goes against intuition, or isn’t how you would feel or expect something should be based on superficial judgement.

What is productive work behavior?

Understanding Productivity in the Workplace. Productive behavior is that behavior which fosters greater results in the workplace. Productive behaviors are measurable through performance measures such as output, quality of work, and other standards.

How to deal with counterproductive behaviors at work?

Be assertive. Without losing your temper, combat counterproductive work behaviors assertively. Make it clear that a positive work environment is paramount to the success of your facility, and maintain that authority. Employees who consistently engage in counterproductive behavior prefer managers who do not fight back.

Why do people do things that are counterproductive?

These behaviors can be intentional or unintentional and result from a wide range of underlying causes and motivations. It has been proposed that a person-by-environment interaction can be utilized to explain a variety of counterproductive behaviors.

What makes an employee a counterproductive employee?

With regard to the Big Five personality traits: conscientiousness, agreeableness, extroversion and openness to experience all predict counterproductive behaviors. When an employee is low in conscientiousness, counterproductive work behaviors related to the organization are more likely to occur.

Which is the best example of a counterproductive sentence?

Examples of counterproductive in a Sentence. His uncontrollable anger is very counterproductive to his attempt at saving his marriage. harsh disciplinary measures that prove to be counterproductive. Recent Examples on the Web.