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What countries are included in Centcom?

What countries are included in Centcom?

As of 2015, CENTCOM forces are deployed primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan in combat roles and have support roles at bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, and central Asia. CENTCOM forces have also been deployed in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Who falls under Centcom?

The region monitored by this command encompasses 20 countries, including Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the countries of the Arabian Peninsula and northern Red Sea, and the five republics of Central Asia.

How many US troops are in Centcom?

1,000 Soldiers
United States Central Command USCENTCOM The command headquarters, located at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, Florida, is composed of approximately 1,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilian employees.

What is Centcom mission?

Mission: USCENTCOM directs and enables military operations and activities with allies and partners to increase regional security and stability in support of enduring U.S. interests. Command Priorities: – Deterring Iran. – Negotiated Resolution of the Conflict in Afghanistan.

What does USCENTCOM stand for in military category?

UNITED STATES CENTRAL COMMAND (USCENTCOM) A. GENERAL This chapter identifies regulations or directives and establishes USCENTCOM Customs/Border Clearance requirements and procedures and organizational points of contact (POC) responsible for the entry/exit of material and personnel from the various USCENTCOM countries listed.

How big is the CENTCOM area of responsibility?

The U.S. CENTCOM area of responsibility (AOR) spans more than 4 million square miles and is populated by more than 550 million people from 22 ethnic groups, speaking 18 languages with hundreds of dialects and confessing multiple religions which transect national borders.

What is the purpose of chapter 512 of USCENTCOM?

CHAPTER 512 UNITED STATES CENTRAL COMMAND (USCENTCOM) A. GENERAL This chapter identifies regulations or directives and establishes USCENTCOM Customs/Border Clearance requirements and procedures and organizational points of contact (POC) responsible for the entry/exit of material and personnel from the various USCENTCOM countries listed.

What is the geography of the CENTCOM AOR?

The geography of the region consists of the intersection of three continents and globally vital commercial sea lanes, flight corridors, pipelines and overland routes.