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What caused the meckering earthquake?

What caused the meckering earthquake?

Trenching across the scarp took place in 1990, and it was concluded that the Meckering earthquake was the result of the reactivation of an old fault line, possibly tens of thousands years old. Unfortunately today aprroximately only 1.5km of the acual fault scarp remains which is located 12 km South/West of Meckering.

How long did the meckering earthquake last?

40 seconds
The earthquake lasted for 40 seconds, was felt across the southern half of Western Australia, and rattled pots and pans as far as 700 kilometres away. Monday was washing day, and a change in the weather at Meckering had caused many women to be out at the clothesline.

What day was the meckering earthquake?

14 October 1968
Slight ground tremors were felt in Meckering early in the morning of 14 October 1968 and then just before 11am, there was a severe earthquake that lasted about 40 seconds.

Has Perth ever had an earthquake?

On 14 October 1968 at 10:59 am, an earthquake registering 6.9 on the Richter scale occurred 100 km (62 mi) east of Perth in Meckering, Western Australia. Injuring 20 people, causing over 2 million dollars in damage and felt in towns 650 km (400 mi) away, it is Western Australia’s most destructive earthquake to date.

When was the earthquake in Meckering Western Australia?

The Western Australian town of Meckering was struck by an earthquake on 14 October 1968. The earthquake occurred at 10:58:52 local time, with a moment magnitude of 6.5 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent).

How did the Meckering earthquake affect the town?

Despite the devastating effect the earthquake had on the town, Meckering has survived. Admittedly the town is smaller, with 45 families leaving town on the day of the earthquake never to return, however those that are left have worked tirelessly to commemorate the day that put their town on the map.

How big was the fault line in Meckering?

While only lasting 40 seconds, the Meckering Earthquake had a lifetime impact on this small wheatbelt town. Leaving a scar 32kms long and up to 2m high, the earthquake literally tore open the earth on October 14th, 1968. Today you can still see 1km of the faultline that’s been preserved for viewing.

Where was the Meckering earthquake in the Wheatbelt?

Meckering Earthquake Preserved Faultine Location: 12km south of Meckering on the York-Meckering Road. While only lasting 40 seconds, the Meckering Earthquake had a lifetime impact on this small wheatbelt town. Leaving a scar 32kms long and up to 2m high, the earthquake literally tore open the earth on October 14th, 1968.