Useful tips

What are Lenten activities?

What are Lenten activities?

16 Simple Lent Activities for All Christian Kids

  • Learn to pray. Let’s be honest.
  • Give up something as a family. Jesus fasted for 40 days.
  • 40 bags in 40 days.
  • Build a Lenten Cross.
  • Observe Passover with a Christian Passover Dinner.
  • Read Easter books.
  • Read the Bible together every day.
  • Make a Lamb of God craft.

How do Catholics teach children about Lent?

The season of Lent encourages us to go outside of ourselves to serve others and learn what it truly means to live out the love of Jesus. Encourage children to use prayer to strengthen their resolve to take part in Lenten practices and serve others. Download a Prayer for Lenten Initiative and share it in your parish.

What are the Catholic rules for Lent?

A summary of current practice: On Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent: Everyone of age 14 and up must abstain from consuming meat. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Everyone of age 18 to 59 must fast, unless exempt due to usually a medical reason.

What to do with kids during Catholic Lent?

When Lent is coming I love to have Catholic Lent activities to help teach our children the sorrows of Jesus and Mary. Lent is the most solemn, or maybe I should say somber, time during the Catholic liturgical year for children.

What should you say during the Lenten season?

Begin Lent with beautiful Lenten prayers. Each and every day we are called on to become closer to God. We can answer that call with our actions and our prayers. This Lenten Season take a step closer to the Lord with these special Lenten prayers. God, heavenly Father, look upon me and hear my prayer during this holy Season of Lent.

What to do to build faith in Lent?

Lent is just around the corner. In an effort to prepare I’m sharing 40 Faith-Building Lenten Activities for you and your families today. Lent is an important time around my house–both for me and for my family. Unfortunately I live a life that is really loud and busy and full of distractions.

What to do with coloring pages during Lent?

Sorrowful Mysteries coloring pages. Many Catholic Lent meditations are in the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary especially for Holy Thursday. Catholic Lent coloring pages – 5.5×8.5 booklet and individual 8.5×11 PDFs. Lent calendar sacrifice chart activity – our favorite and easy with little ones.