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What are cathedral police?

What are cathedral police?

A cathedral constable is a constable employed by a cathedral of the Church of England. They have been appointed under common law and cathedral statutes (ecclesiastical law) for nearly 800 years, predating the modern police service by many centuries.

Who is Fletcher in Canterbury Cathedral?

Richard Fletcher (bishop)

The Right Reverend Richard Fletcher
Church Church of England
Province Canterbury
Diocese London
Elected 30 December 1594

Who works at Canterbury Cathedral?

Foundation. The Foundation is the authorised staffing establishment of the cathedral, few of whom are clergy. The head of the cathedral is the Dean, currently Robert Willis, who is assisted by a chapter of 30 canons, four of whom are residentiary, the others being honorary appointments of senior clergy in the diocese.

What does the dean of Canterbury do?

The Dean of Canterbury is the head of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Christ Church, Canterbury, England. The current office of dean originated after the English Reformation, although Deans had also existed before this time; its immediate precursor office was the prior of the cathedral-monastery.

Who is the head constable of Canterbury Cathedral?

This officer generally bears the title “Head Constable” or “Inspector”. There is a formal command structure in each constabulary of Chief Inspector (Canterbury Cathedral only), Inspector, Sergeant, Constable and unattested Warden. The position of “Chief Officer” exists within the Cathedral Constables’ Association (CCA).

Who are the constables of the Church of England?

A cathedral constable is a constable employed by a cathedral of the Church of England. They have been appointed under common law and cathedral statutes (ecclesiastical law) for nearly 800 years, predating the modern police service by many centuries. Cathedral constables have a long history and can trace their lineage back to the 13th century.

What kind of training do Cathedral Constables get?

Local training is supplemented by training opportunities organised by the CCA, including the level 3 Certificate in Cathedral Constable Attestation (see below), and individual personal safety training (PST) which is provided under contract by training officers of the Mersey Tunnels Police.

How to apply for job at Canterbury Cathedral?

Please submit your completed application by clicking the vacancy description, then apply. Contact [email protected] with any questions. To receive our weekly job alerts email, subscribe here.